July 04, 2012

Mid-Week Mirth

Christ knows we need it.

Have some pix:

Spitting image.




Okay then. I won't.

Mark Hamill: not the sharpest....

Very true. I am evolving. My gills are almost complete.

Gotta love those rebels.

Okay then. I won't.

This would be funny if it was a joke. I think it's a prediction.

And finally...

Let's see what today brings us. I predict yet more shenanigans from a failing government and a fraudulent banking sector. Those wheels get ever wobblier, dontcha think?

BTW, if you were a Barclays customer, have you changed banks yet? And if not, why not?



Anonymous said...

For those who aren't aware of the fact that Roger Hayes in in Prison please read the following link

This is just another sign to the depths of skullduggery the authorities will go to to protect their agenda


James Higham said...

BTW, if you were a Barclays customer, have you changed banks yet? And if not, why not?

Ah, trick question - because they're all corrupt.

Robert the Biker said...

I'll try and find the link for you, it's along of one of those 'in Soviet Russia' memes:
Picture of the Federal Reserve

"In Capitalist America, Bank robs YOU"
Was in the Pics area of kontraband.com, but I'm at work at the moment

Robert the Biker said...

Yup, ere tis

Captain Ranty said...


Many a word said in jest....