August 15, 2011

Vote For Meeee!

Just kidding.

Vote for whoever you want to, depending on your blog preferences.

As this is the last bastion of free choice, I invite you to vote for your ten favourite bloggers.

Full information can be found here.

Pick any ten from my Awkward Sods list on the right and you will not go far wrong. They produce an amazing array of finely written opinion pieces and I am pleased to have them here. Their writing puts mine to shame.

Right, I'm off to vote for some of my pals. (If there was a way to get you all on the voting sheet, I would do it in a heart-beat).



  1. Already done Captain. Put you down as Left-Wing Green Labour. Is that OK? ;)

  2. C,

    That's me alright!

    You have obviously been reading my stuff closely!

    I like it when you guys pay attention. :)


  3. I havent been blogging recently enough for this Where do I vote>?

  4. Right here, old pal:

    I have been keeping up with you on Twitter.

    All well?


  5. I lost my rag on this post here

    Go tell me if I was being mouthy

  6. Monster raving looney party, all politicians are members.

  7. I will not vote for you until you remove the "Help for "Heros"" button.

    They are not heros they are murderers.

  8. Anon,

    If only life were that simple.

    Politicians may do absolutely anything, including compromising their principles, for a vote, but I will not.

    The troops are not murderers. They are professional soldiers doing exactly what we pay them to do.

    When the shit hits the fan we send violent men to do what they do best. That is what these men and women are doing.

    Now, do I agree with them being there in the first place? No. No I do not.

    But once the politicking is done and our forces are committed, they get 110% of my support. They will fight, they will kill, they will die, and they will come home physically or mentally fucked up. Our system will abandon them in a heart-beat. The same politicians who sent them to war will also turn away. I will not. They need our support when they are in theatre and they need our support when they return.

    I will promise, however, do my damndest to fuck up the imbecilic government that dispatched them to war illegally and unlawfully.

    You keep your vote, and I'll hang on to my principles. It's a win-win.


  9. Interview - Peter Linebaugh - The Magna Carta Manifesto

  10. I will vote for you captn, just as long as you vote for me, I deserve to win, maybe, probably, ok I dont but one day dammit, one day.

  11. Free,

    Too late mate. I already voted for you.


  12. Anon,

    Just listened to that interview. Bloody good!

    Thanks for the link.


  13. Henry,

    It started badly for you but it ended up well. They digested and then (finally) agreed with your points.

    A good outing!


  14. MM,

    I doubt they are even members of the human race.

    So much stupidity in one building. It's incredible.



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