February 09, 2010



I am heading to North Africa tomorrow morning (at stupid o'clock) to do my thing.

I will be back in a couple of weeks. The internet connection where I am staying is okay, but I am not sure if I can blog. Oddly, when I log in, Blogger morphs into Arabic and although I am able to mutter a few words and phrases, I cannot read the language yet. This makes it tricky to create a new post and I am good at breaking things, so it may be safer to not blog.

Please feel free to use this as an open thread. At the very least I will be able to read and respond to comments.

If you find anything interesting, bung a link on and we can discuss it.

Meanwhile, keep dragging stuff out into the sunlight. The gibbons in the HoC absolutely hate that.

Stay well,


PS-Ma'asalama is Arabic for "See you soon, dude".


  1. PS-Ma'asalama is Arabic for "See you soon, dude".


  2. Ma'asal

    I've removed the 'ama' in the hope that's the dude bit. :)

  3. Rosie,

    Beats me.

    I know that "min fad lik" is please for a man, and "min fad lak" is please for a lady. Or the other way around.

    I'm on a learning vertical here.

    (I made up the "dude" bit anyway...).


  4. Ma'asalama means auf wiedersehen?

    Yeah right. I ate one last night with a tarka dhall and an onion bhajee.

    Have a good time away, dude. Shake a rag.

  5. It does Marv.

    The blog heading you need to watch out for is "Goodbye".

    It means that they have me.

    As my first destination is Amsterdam, perhaps I should have said "Tot straks". But I will mainly smoking tabs at Schiphol before heading for Tripoli. Where, incidentally, I shall be mainly smoking very cheap tabs wherever I want.

    It's rare to see women smoking in Libya though. I visit the shisha cafes and the women who do get stuck in are usually Tunisian or Egyptian. And mostly very easy on the eye.


  6. I hope you get some nice weather.

  7. Thanks Mark.

    Daytime temps are around 20C and it is around 8C at night time.

    8C is tee-shirt weather in Scotland so I have unpacked all my jumpers....



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