February 18, 2010

I Want One Of These

How cool is this picture? It comes to us courtesy of Mud In The Blood.

Lovely, innit?



Cold Steel Rain said...

I love the smell of cordite in the morning.

Captain Ranty said...

I miss it, CSR.

I miss firing thousands of rounds from a GPMG. I never thought I would need one mounted on my fucking roof though.


Lion of Engalnd said...

I miss my SLR, as well as the GPMG.but what i miss most is a few million pounds
for cromwells second Army as it seems that
my countrymen are to weak to do any thing themselves, to change this rotten to the teath system what we have in the un united

Captain Ranty said...


I never converted to the SA-80. I preferred my SLR as well. Awesome weapon.

My personal weapon was an SMG.

Which was about as useful as a trapdoor on a canoe.


Captain Ranty said...


I have spent weeks of my life picking up brass....it's no fun.

I'd settle for pretty pictures anytime!


Ardo's said...

Me too, I just missed the conversion to SA80. I did get a chance to fire it though, but I thought it to be un-squaddy-proof (as the early models proved to be). Nice shotgun piccy!

Captain Ranty said...


The lads in NornIreland were constantly shooting themselves (by accident) with the early version. Dodgy safety (I'm sorry. Rate selector!) or summat.

Never fired one.

I did get to use Blowpipe once. I was turgid the whole livelong day.

And PE4. It is really cool blowing things up. (In a controlled way, natch). I was on telly once, blowing up an old bridge. A good day out.


Cold Steel Rain said...

Ah yes the SLR - nothing quite like the sound of those working parts being cocked.

Teh first SA80's were indeed utter shite. The newer A2's are however quite good.

Although Sprogs no longer have to fear 'Range Days'

Dick Puddlecote said...

That reminds me, I've a clay pigeon session 'in the bin' which I haven't booked in yet. Must get on that tomorrow. :-)

BTS said...

Strange that one's ever trusted me with a weapon..

LION of England said...

tHE SA 80 what a load of crap!Its been sent to Hk upto the last count at least 18 times to be readusted,it was obvios
that some political twat,had freinds in
the house of ill repute i wonder how
much money changed hands so the british
Army could get the crap from Enfield,?and then it takes a German company to sort it out. god preserve us if their is one.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm lovely pic, looks like an under over, i'm viewing on the smallest screen known to man though.

Ought to get a license while it's still legal :-(


Captain Ranty said...


The piccie is better over at Mud's place. Much clearer. Join a gun club and start shooting at clays.


Trust thyself. Fuck everyone else.


richard said...

i went from .303 in the CCF to SLRs in the TA. after the Lee Enfield the SLR was like a soft comfortable pillow. never got to fire an SA80, but to me it looks daft on parade and too short with a bayonet. shot an SMG not on automatic, very accurate. only used a LAAW with a tracer round in practice, but was the only guy to hit the target (dead centre too). seems like yesterday. happy days.

Angry Exile said...

What Capt. Ranty said. When you've swung the shottie just so and fired and just the right time and your reward is the sight of a clay beyond the muzzles exploding into thousands of bits.... ah, deeply deeply satisfying moments. Well worth buying an hour or two tuition at your local gun club if you've never given it a go.

Captain Ranty said...


I only ever fired a shottie once. It was at a chickenhawk and I missed. (Which I am kinda pleased about as I am now an avid fan of raptors. Beautiful birds).

Some lessons are definitely on the cards, but applying (begging) for a license is going to be a tough nut for me to crack. It goes against the (Freeman) grain.


Anonymous said...

if you want to enjoy a shooting sport for a few pence, maximum enjoyment and if you enjoy a challenge (because it takes a lot of practice) look at www.slinging.org for construction and techniques
an absorbing hobby, with no begging required. plus the sling fits nicely in a pocket.
the (free!) stone projectiles are more than somewhat hazardous (cf. Goliath) with much longer range than a shotgun, so care is always necessary. suggest tennis balls, to start with.

Captain Ranty said...

Thanks Anon, I like the old fashioned weapons too. I am also looking at a bow and arrow!


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I haven't seen many smoking guns this season - looking forwrd to spring and the clay range now.

Thanks for visiting my place Cap'n.